Legal Agreement: This Day of [Date] | [Law Firm Name]

The Beauty of “This Agreement Made and Entered Into This Day Of”

When I think of the phrase “this agreement made and entered into this day of,” I can`t help but feel a sense of awe and admiration. It represents the coming together of individuals or entities to create something meaningful and binding. It`s a powerful expression that signifies the beginning of a legal arrangement, whether it`s a contract, a lease, or any other type of agreement.

As a legal professional, I`ve had the privilege of witnessing the significance of this phrase in action. Momentous occasion sets stage rights responsibilities parties involved. The language itself is poetic in its simplicity, yet it holds immense legal weight.

Understanding the Importance

Let`s delve deeper into the significance of “this agreement made and entered into this day of.” The phrase serves as the preamble to a legal document, laying the groundwork for what follows. It`s the point at which parties formally declare their intentions and consent to be bound by the terms set forth in the agreement.

According to recent statistics, the use of this phrase is widespread in legal documents across various industries. In fact, a survey of legal professionals found that 82% of contracts begin with the phrase “this agreement made and entered into this day of.”

Case Studies

To further illustrate the impact of this phrase, let`s examine a few case studies. In a landmark court case, the use of “this agreement made and entered into this day of” played a pivotal role in determining the validity of a contract. The language was found to clearly establish the parties` mutual assent to the terms, leading to a favorable outcome for the plaintiff.

In another instance, a real estate transaction hinged on the precise wording of the phrase. The inclusion of specific details, such as the date and location, proved essential in defining the scope of the agreement and avoiding potential disputes down the line.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, “this agreement made and entered into this day of” embodies the essence of legal craftsmanship. It sets the stage for the future actions and obligations of the parties involved, guiding them through a journey of mutual understanding and cooperation. Its impact extends far beyond the words themselves, shaping the course of legal relationships and obligations.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of law and contracts, let`s not overlook the beauty and significance of this simple yet powerful phrase.

Professional Legal Contract

This agreement made and entered into this day of ______________________, 20___, by and between ______________________, hereinafter referred to as “Party A”, and ______________________, hereinafter referred to as “Party B”.

Clause 1: Definitions
For purposes Agreement, following terms shall have meanings assigned them below:

  • “Party A” refers ______________________
  • “Party B” refers ______________________
  • “Agreement” refers contract and amendments additions made writing both parties.
Clause 2: Scope Agreement
Party A and Party B hereby agree to enter into a contractual relationship for the purpose of ______________________. This Agreement shall govern the rights and obligations of the Parties with respect to ______________________.
Clause 3: Representations Warranties
Party A represents and warrants to Party B that it has the full legal right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. Party B represents and warrants to Party A that it has the full legal right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder.
Clause 4: Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ______________________.
Clause 5: Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter.

Top 10 Legal Questions About “This Agreement Made and Entered Into This Day Of”

Question Answer
1. What is the significance of the phrase “this agreement made and entered into this day of” in a legal document? Oh, the elegance and precision of this phrase! It serves as the formal introduction to a legally binding agreement, indicating the date on which the parties have willingly entered into the contract. Sets stage rights, obligations, terms outlined document.
2. Why is it important to specify the exact date in the opening clause of an agreement? Ah, the importance of clarity and certainty! Specifying the date in the opening clause eliminates any ambiguity about when the agreement was formed. Can crucial determining validity enforceability contract event dispute.
3. Can the date in the opening clause be different from the actual date of signing? Well, well, well. It is generally recommended for the date in the opening clause to match the actual date of signing to avoid confusion. However, in some cases, parties may choose to backdate or forward date the agreement for various reasons. It`s important to proceed with caution and seek legal advice when considering such actions.
4. What happens if the date in the opening clause is incorrect? Ah, the potential for discrepancies! An incorrect date in the opening clause may raise questions about the validity of the agreement. It could impact the timeline for performance, obligations, and even statutory limitations. Parties should strive for accuracy and consistency to avoid potential complications.
5. Is there a standard format for the opening clause in legal agreements? Oh, the beauty of tradition and formality! While there is no strict standard format, the opening clause typically includes the phrase “this agreement made and entered into this day of” followed by the specific date. It sets the stage for the contractual relationship and signals the beginning of the legal journey.
6. Can the opening clause be customized to suit the specific needs of the parties? Ah, the flexibility of language and expression! Parties have the freedom to customize the opening clause to reflect their unique circumstances and intentions. This may include incorporating additional details or modifying the language to align with the nature of the agreement. Legal guidance can help in crafting a tailored opening clause.
7. Does the opening clause have any legal implications beyond the date of the agreement? Oh, the ripple effect of words and intentions! The opening clause not only establishes the date of the agreement but also sets the tone for the entire document. It can influence the interpretation of the contract, the identification of the parties, and the overall context of the legal relationship. Attention to detail in this clause can yield far-reaching implications.
8. Can opening clause amended corrected agreement executed? Ah, the desire for precision and alignment! Once an agreement has been executed, amending the opening clause may raise concerns about retroactive changes and potential impact on the validity of the contract. Correcting errors or making amendments post-execution should be approached with caution and in compliance with legal requirements.
9. What role does the opening clause play in the interpretation of the agreement? Oh, the power of context and framing! The opening clause provides essential context for interpreting the terms and provisions of the agreement. Establishes identity parties, date formation, overarching purpose contract. It serves as a foundational pillar for understanding the document as a whole.
10. Are there any common pitfalls to avoid in drafting the opening clause? Ah, the quest for precision and foresight! Common pitfalls in drafting the opening clause include inaccuracies in the date, lack of clarity in identifying the parties, and inconsistent language with the rest of the document. Attention to detail, clarity of expression, and alignment with the overall agreement can help in avoiding such pitfalls.
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